

Christmas eve walks are magical. I remember one with my brother when we were younger. He's in brasil now, and I miss him.

Kirtly's next to serve, and now I have a midnight walk memory with her.

I was getting over a cold, but that didn't matter. She packed the tiny stove, hot chocolate mix, and I of course brought the childrens' book; the little match girl. Derek and Herby completed our gaggle and we headed out into the midnight wonder.

It was a still and silent night, and if I'd been younger I'd worry that we might scare Santa away from the neighborhood.

We wandered in all the magic of new snow and sparkling lights, and I was again intrigued with the beauty of Kirtly Sorensen. She's magical, and makes you feel important. She asked me questions, and I found answers about who she is. Adventuresome, busy, positive, hopeful.

We made it to the 'look out' and took in the beauty of electricity. It's still amazing to me how many lights are on at night. The city was supposed to be asleep, but the road lights said otherwise. We watched, and read, and with the strike of the last match, saw visions for our future.

Herby: probably the green chew toy she would open the next morning.
Derek: A victory to take him to boy's nation
Kirtly: happiness in the phillipeans.
Me: a little long haired brunette named annie. (I'm excited for red too, but we couldn't punish her with daddy warbux references.)

We slowly made our way back home, and I drank in the last of our magical stroll. I love snow, and white, brilliant, quiet beauty. Thanks Kirtly.

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